4 Qualities of a Great Manager

How to get the best out of your employees

Bryce Adams
3 min readJan 26, 2021
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

You’ve heard the expression: “people don't quit their job, they quit their boss.” Right?

That’s not always the case.

There’s a multitude of reasons why people leave their jobs. Rather it was your first job in high school or a crummy fast-food job in college to make ends meet — nearly everyone has left a job to the fact that they hated it and it wasn’t what they wanted to retire doing.

But a poor manager can undoubtedly make or break any job. A managers’ responsibility is to facilitate a good working environment for his/her employees.

Here are 4 qualities of a great manager that will elevate performance, and employees will appreciate.


A managers’ focus should be to help everyone succeed. Success only comes when a team is working together collectively, led by strong leadership. This includes people skills, knowing how to approach and bring out the best in each team member is imperative. It also builds great company culture.

Engaging with employees one on one develops chemistry and trust. One of the biggest detriments to leadership is arrogance. Each team member has their own personality and ways of learning and responding to criticism.

By taking time to learn about each individual, it gives managers a better idea of strengths and weaknesses and how it will impact the team. As a result, it makes one feel included and valued.

Great leaders take charge and guide you towards the answers when problems arise and help put you in positions to be successful. In turn, making the team successful.

Bosses push, leaders pull.


Effective communication between management and employees is vital to overall company productivity. Companies must balance assertiveness and empathy.

Employees feel happier and more involved when their opinions and ideas are heard and incorporated as well.

Great managers give direct feedback and don't hide details. They take employees' thoughts and suggestions into consideration while leaving room for creativity. Being indirect causes individuals to have trouble improving if they don't understand which behaviors are problematic.

A great work environment consists of open-minded individuals willing to try new ideas and work together to build and improve results.

Team members expect the same out of management.


Recognizing hard work and rewarding employees is important. It provides them with three things:

  • A respectable return for their efforts
  • An incentive to maintain and improve performance
  • Elucidation of what behaviors and results the company values

By developing a reward system, it motivates team members to produce results and strive for continuous improvement. When managers provide positive and realistic feedback, their efforts and accomplishments elevate.

They develop into individuals with the confidence to set and meet challenging goals, overcome setbacks, and self-manage their work.

Problem Solver

Problems occur each day to a certain degree in every workplace. Having a manager with strong leadership skills and an ability to assess situations is critical to resolving problems.

Great problem-solving skills help managers and employees work through complications that arise and effectively resolve issues to achieve desired results.

Being able to successfully problem solve saves time, quality, money, and productivity.

Great management makes problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.

There are many traits, characteristics, and skills that go into being a great manager. One that sees opportunity in instability and uncertainty is sure to leave a positive and lasting impression.



Bryce Adams

Following my growing passion for writing and storytelling to inspire and impact others. Contact me- bryceadamsmedium@gmail.com