5 Reasons Why Christmas Is the Best Holiday

It is the most wonderful time of the year

Bryce Adams
4 min readNov 29, 2020
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone and we’re all full of turkey and pie, it’s time to break out those Christmas decorations and put that tree up… if you haven’t already.

2020 has been a very challenging and difficult time for everybody, COVID-19 and quarantine has taken its toll mentally and physically on millions. Christmas is a ray of hope and positivity and a much needed time of Christmas spirit as we spend time with our loved ones.

Hopefully, this story puts you in the Christmas mood and finds you well as the holiday season is upon us. Here are 5 reasons why Christmas is the best holiday.

Christmas Movies

I love a cold snowy night in early December as I'm wrapped up on the couch in front of the fireplace as I watch The 25 Days of Christmas movies. How can you not love watching Clark Griswold decorate his house and put up a massive tree?

Or cuddling with your wife as she makes you watch Hallmark Christmas movies for the 3rd hour in a row.

Sorry guys.

From Jim Carrey in The Grinch to Home Alone, to the all-day marathon of A Christmas Story. And who could forget A Charlie Brown Christmas? Good thing they put it back on T.V. I was about to be real upset. Families have watched the Peanuts holiday specials for over five decades and has become a tradition for many viewers.

Something about holiday movies and watching the snowfall out your living room window as the Christmas tree illuminates in the background brings a sense of happiness and ignites your holiday spirit.


Now, this isn’t what Christmas is all about by any means, but when you’re 8 years old there’s no greater feeling than waking up on Christmas morning and flying out of bed to rip open all the presents you’ve received.

When you’re a kid, Christmas is the best day of the year. You get the chance to hopefully open that new video game system you asked for, or a new puppy pops out of a box as you peel away the wrapping paper.

Remember in the movie The Santa Clause when Neil receives the Oscar Mayer weenie whistle? Even as adults we have a gift we all wanted and cherished growing up that takes us back to that feeling when we were kids.

As adults, the idea of a good gift has changed. When you’re a kid you hated getting clothes or opening up a gift only to find a pair of socks or Christmas pajamas in it. Now, I get excited about a pair of socks or a new skillet set.

Here’s another gift idea, pay a bill.


I think we can all agree that the Christmas Day feast is one of the best parts. As the family members pile in, they all bring a delicious dish.

The mashed potatoes and gravy awaiting to send me into a carb coma, the pumpkin pie and cheesecake are calling my name already.

Each family has their own special recipes and foods they like to prepare and serve during the holidays. Grandmas’ pie that’s been made and perfected for generations, the way mom makes that stuffing, or dad's fried turkey.

Whatever foods you and your family like to eat during the holidays, sitting down and having a family meal is something that brings us all together.


When I was a kid, my siblings and I would always be the ones to decorate the tree and put up the lights. Maybe my parents didn’t want to put the tree up themselves so they just made us kids do it.

But I’m sure that the kids getting to help decorate the tree is a tradition that many, many families have.

Maybe your family doesn’t do gifts, or you draw names, or you drive around and look at all the Christmas lights and decorations. Christmas family traditions are one of the many things that make the holiday so special.

It could be something simple as wearing matching PJs and drinking hot chocolate or driving 10 hours to your aunt and uncle's house states away. What are some of your family traditions during the holidays? I’d love to hear them!

Whatever your Christmas traditions are, keep them alive and close to your heart. Because as the years go on, those are the moments we look back at and mean the most.

Family Time

My favorite part of the holidays is all my family coming together and spending time with one another. I’m such a family oriented person, it warms my heart and brings great joy and happiness to see the family and loved ones I don’t get to see as often throughout the year.

Christmas is a very special time and an opportunity to get together with the family and friends we care so much about.

It’s a time to reflect and look back on the year and count your blessings. 2020 has been a very difficult and life-changing year. It was the year that I thought I’d get everything I’ve wanted, but it was the year that made me appreciate everything I have.

Christmas will surely be a little bit sweeter and more meaningful this year. I hope this story brightens your Christmas spirit and reminds you of all the great things the season has to offer.

Count your blessings and hold your loved ones close, don’t forget the reason for the season, and hope this story finds you and your family well this Christmas.



Bryce Adams

Following my growing passion for writing and storytelling to inspire and impact others. Contact me- bryceadamsmedium@gmail.com